Complete Vehicle Servicing Crush Washer Pack

£5.50 (inc VAT)

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This pack of crush washers is put together to cover all the items crush washers you will require when servicing your RX.

The Kit includes

  • 1 x Engine Oil Drain Plug Washer for Sump
  • 1 x Coolant Drain Plug Washer for Engine Block
  • 2 x Drain and Fill Plug Washers for Gearbox
  • 2 x Drain and Fill Plug Washers for Diff

Each crush washer is made from Aluminium, and is the same as we use here at the workshop.

While this is a pretty comprehensive pack some vehicles may not require all of the washers included for example the FD3s transmission will only require a crush washer for the drain plug as the fill plugs are of a different design.



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